Welcome to Metaverso Educación. Books and content to achieve organizational success.

Libros para alcanzar el éxito organizacional
Libros para alcanzar el éxito organizacional

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Metaverso Educación publish technical, scientific and humanistic books aimed at the general public and at the secondary and higher education community that guarantee professional and organizational success.

Management contents

Our contents cover a wide range of topics from business administration, management, leadership, motivation, personal and organizational development, innovation and much more. Whatever your area of ​​interest focused on management, we have the book for you!

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Administración. Lourdes Münch
Administración. Lourdes Münch

Our Company

At Metaverso we believe that education is the key to success. That is why we publish high-quality books and content focused on enriching knowledge to achieve organizational success. Our books are designed for students, teachers, executives and the general public who want to expand their intellectual capital to achieve their goals.

We create content that allows you to enjoy wonderful universes!

Libros de administración
Libros de administración

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Business Encyclopedia

Find all the knowledge of management and administration in the Business Encyclopedia. Buy your book in Amazon.com.mx or in Buscalibre.com.mx

Enciclopedia de negocios
Enciclopedia de negocios
